Science for all!
Founded & Supported by Yeo Lab Members
Gene is the faculty founder of DASL (Diversity and Science Lecture Series) funded by the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, providing a voice for scientists to discuss diversity, equity and inclusion challenges and celebrating their scientific achievements. Partner universities include UCLA, University of Utah and Harvard/MGH.
Affiliates: Evan Boyle, Noorsher Ahmed, Katie Rothamel, , Pratibha Jagannatha, Jon Schmok. -
Nucleate is a student-run nonprofit organization that facilitates the formation of new life science ventures. Our equity-free activator program supports companies that tackle the biggest challenges in human health (Bio Track) and sustainability (Eco Track). Gene is the faculty advisor for the UCSD chapter.
Affiliates: Sammi Sison, Samuel Hatch, Margaret Burns, Pratibha Jagannatha, Eric Kofman
Responses to 10 common criticisms of anti-racism action in STEMM
Graduate student Maya Gostzyla published a paper in PLoS Comp Bio, pointing out that, “while observing and participating in recent discussions about the racism that pervades institutions, departments, and scientific discourse, we have noticed a set of standard arguments against anti-racism action within STEMM.” Ten of these arguments are laid out in this manuscript and paired with evidence-based counterarguments. Read the paper
Colors of the Brain
Colors of the Brain is a UC San Diego student organization that was founded in 2016 to diversify STEM graduate education by providing undergraduate students from historically underrepresented backgrounds with invested graduate student mentors who have gone through the transition into Ph.D. or M.D./Ph.D research programs.
Affiliates: Sammi Sison
The PATHways to STEM (PATHS) through Enhanced Access and Mentorship Program proposes an innovative program model to mitigate historically evident barriers and establish an infrastructure of resources, communications, and support for underrepresented students in STEM.
Affiliates: Hema Kopalle, Norah Al-Azzam
Gene is the founder of the SCREEN (San Diego Covid-19 Research Enterprise Network, 2020) and founding member of the SEARCH (San Diego Epidemiology and Research for Covid Health, 2020) alliances in San Diego. SCREEN has ~1000 scientist members in San Diego focusing on grassroots research coordination and community outreach. SEARCH is focused on epidemiology studies of the prevalence of the virus completing a 12000-person study of viral spread.
Affiliates: Stefan Aigner, Shashank Sathe
BUMMP is the Biology Undergraduate and Master's Mentorship Program at the University of California, San Diego.
Affiliates: Alex Tankka, Hema Kopalle
Queer Science Society
Academia thrives from the diversity of its researchers. QSS embraces queer authenticity and advocates for inclusivity. Co-Founded by Evan Boyle.
Salk Mobile Science Lab
The Salk Mobile Science Lab is a free 3-day biotechnology program serving middle schools throughout San Diego County.
Affiliates: Alex Tankka