Ishrak Ramzan
Undergraduate Student (Noorsher Ahmed)
General Biology & Linguistics
Ishrak is a third-year undergraduate student at UC San Diego, where he is currently pursuing a double major in Biology and Linguistics. Prior to joining the Yeo Lab, he worked in the lab of Dr. Christopher Benedict at the La Jolla Institute for Immunology, where he helped conduct research exploring the various mechanisms that cytomegalovirus leverages to avoid being detected by the cells of the immune system. This experience was formative, and served to catalyze a passion for science and biological research which persists to the present day. Currently he is working under the guidance of Noorsher Ahmed to adapt spatial transcriptomic techniques for the field of proteomics. Outside of the lab, he enjoys exploring various parts of San Diego, trying new restaurants, studying Spanish and German, dressing a little too well for the given occasion, and reading 20th century literature.
Coming Soon!
iramzan at
Coming Soon!